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          Business Of The Year
          Kansas Women-Owned Businesses 2017

          Rule Breaker Award
          New York Rule Breakers 2015

          25 Outstanding Businesses Under 25 Employees
          Twenty Five – 25  2012

          CEO of the Year
          City Union Mission 2009

          Women Who Mean Business
          Biz Journal 2009

          Vision of Excellence
          National Association of Women in Construction – 2009

          About MySmartPlans

          Shelley and Dominick Armato
          Shelley is the founder and CEO of MySmartPlans. Her husband, Dominick, is a co-founder and president. They suffered firsthand from the effects of the chaos in the industry. Dominick, a 45-year contractor, was wildly successful, and one project with insufficient data caused them to shut the doors on that company. But they rose again and reinvented the construction industry by streamlining the business.

          MySmartPlans is a technology-enabled service  and platform with an experienced digital information librarian as part of your team who creates transparency, organization, and efficiency in construction projects. They are the driving force behind Data Governance, which mitigates the risk associated with insufficient document oversight. MySmartPlans has been improving the industry for 19 years and has a revenue aggregate of over billions of dollars. Build on time, on schedule, and with audited pre-discovery files that are proven to prevent litigation!

          We have the most advanced construction technology for building world-class facilities in the world. Use this for our identity!

          Honors & Awards

          Business Of The Year
          Kansas Women-Owned Businesses 2017

          Rule Breaker Award
          New York Rule Breakers 2015

          25 Outstanding Businesses Under 25 Employees
          Twenty Five – 25  2012

          CEO of the Year
          City Union Mission 2009

          Women Who Mean Business
          Biz Journal 2009

          Vision of Excellence
          National Association of Women in Construction – 2009

          About MySmartPlans

          Shelley Armato and Dominick Armato

          Shelley is the Founder and CEO of MySmartPlans. Her husband Dominick is Co-founder and President. They suffered firsthand the effects of chaos in the industry. Dominick, a 45-year contractor, was wildly successful and one project with insufficient data caused them to shut the doors on that company. But they rose again and reinvented the construction industry by streamlining the business.

          MySmartPlans is a software-as-a-service solution with an experienced digital information librarian as part of your team, who creates transparency, organization, and efficiency in construction projects. They are the driving force behind Data Governance, which mitigates the risk associated with insufficient document oversight. MySmartPlans has been improving the industry for 16 years and has a revenue aggregate of over 19 billion dollars. Build on time, on schedule, and with audited as pre-discovery files that are proven to prevent litigation!

    • MySmartPlans Track Record:

      17 years in business

      100% of our 2,130 projects were protected from litigation

      $23 billion in project value completed

      99.9% of projects were completed on time & on budget

      18% project on-site savings

      The MySmartPlans Manifesto

      MySmartPlans Track Record:

      17 years in business

      100% of our 2,130 projects were protected from litigation

      $23 billion in project value completed

      99.9% of projects were completed on time & on budget

      18% project on-site savings

      Learn More

      The MySmartPlans Manifesto

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      Four States Airport Conference 2023

        • Customer Testimonials

          MySmartPlans has saved thousands of hours in costly rework and has allowed us to collaborate with our team members in the most efficient manner possible.

          Craig Childers

          MySmartPlans helped us focus on the project rather than collection of data & documentation. The MSP team knows what needs to be included and does a great job gathering, managing and ensure timey responses on required information. It also gives us a centralized location for project documentation, giving us comfort of knowing where to find information in the future. MSP allows us to work smarter and be smarter.

          Northwest Florida Beaches

          Technology has made promises over the years that someday we would all be paperless and all electronic, but there has been a missing link in sharing information between groups. MySmartPlans is the medium that fills that gap.

          Rick Thompson

          As a construction litigator…to be able to point and click and find the documentation that relates to that specific change order, whatever, in seconds as opposed to days or weeks manually would be a game changer.

          Bill Quatman

          Construction Attorney
        • Case Studies

    • SMART Airports & Regions 2024

      Wednesday 10 – Friday 12 July 2024 | Colorado Convention Center

      2024 Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference

      Sunday 21 – Wednesday 24 July 2024 | Anaheim, CA

      4 States Airport Conference

      Wednesday 21 – Friday 23 August 2024 | Kansas City Marriott Downtown

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The Value of Data as an Asset in Construction Project Management

In the world of construction project management, data is not often seen as a tangible asset. However, when managed effectively, data can prove to be a powerful resource that contributes to the success and efficiency of projects. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of data as an asset in construction project management and discuss how it can help streamline processes and ensure the delivery of a facility with audit-ready trusted data.

Why is Data Important in Construction Project Management?

Construction projects involve various complex and interconnected activities, from planning and design to execution and delivery. Throughout these stages, a vast amount of information is generated, such as drawings, specifications, schedules, and budgets. This data holds valuable insights that can drive informed decision-making and improve project outcomes.

Historically, construction project management heavily relied on manual processes and paper-based systems. However, with the advancement of technology, the industry has witnessed a digital transformation. Project management software solutions, such as construction management platforms and Building Information Modeling (BIM), have become prevalent, enabling the collection, storage, and analysis of project data in a more efficient and structured manner.

Leveraging Data as an Asset in Construction Projects

When project teams recognize and leverage data as a strategic asset, they can unlock its full potential to optimize project outcomes. Here are some key ways in which data can be used as an asset in construction project management:

Improved Decision-Making

Data-driven decision-making is a cornerstone of successful project management. By leveraging accurate and up-to-date project data, construction project managers and teams can make informed choices that are based on objective insights. For example, analyzing historical project data can help identify potential risks and cost overruns, enabling proactive risk mitigation strategies and cost control measures.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Efficient data management processes contribute to improved productivity throughout the project lifecycle. By having access to real-time data and automated workflows, project teams can streamline communication, collaborate effectively, and eliminate bottlenecks. This allows for faster decision-making, reduced rework, and improved resource allocation.

Enhanced Quality Control and Assurance

Data plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality of construction projects. By capturing and analyzing data related to construction processes, materials, and performance, project teams can identify areas for improvement and implement corrective measures. This, in turn, leads to the delivery of projects with higher quality standards and increased customer satisfaction.

Facilitated Compliance and Auditing

The construction industry is heavily regulated, and compliance with various safety, environmental, and building codes is paramount. Data management practices that capture and document project information in a structured and auditable manner contribute to compliance efforts. They provide a trail of evidence that demonstrates adherence to regulations, simplifying the auditing process and reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.

Value Creation and Project Handover

Data becomes an invaluable asset during the handover of a construction project. A well-managed dataset that captures all project data, including design documents, as-built information, maintenance schedules, and warranties, creates a valuable digital twin. This digital representation of the facility ensures a smooth transition from construction to operations, enabling effective facility management, maintenance, and future renovations.

Implementing Data Management Best Practices

To fully harness the potential of data as an asset in construction project management, project teams should follow data management best practices. These include:

Data Governance

Establishing clear data governance policies and procedures ensures that data is managed systematically and consistently across the project. This involves defining roles and responsibilities, data ownership, data quality standards, and data access controls.

Data Integration

Integrating data from various sources, such as design models, project schedules, and financial systems, provides a comprehensive view of the project and enables seamless data exchange between stakeholders. Technologies like BIM and data integration platforms facilitate this process.

Data Security

Protecting project data from unauthorized access and ensuring its integrity is crucial. Implementing robust data security measures, such as encryption, secure cloud storage, and access controls, safeguards sensitive project information and mitigates the risk of data breaches.

Data Analytics

Leveraging data analytics tools and techniques allows project teams to gain valuable insights from project data. Advanced analytics can help identify trends, predict risks, and optimize resource utilization, thereby improving project outcomes.

Continuous Improvement

Data management practices should be continuously reviewed and improved to adapt to changing project requirements and emerging technologies. Regular data audits and stakeholder feedback help identify areas for improvement and ensure data remains relevant and valuable.


In the construction industry, data should be regarded as a valuable asset rather than a mere byproduct of project activities. By recognizing the importance of data and implementing effective data management practices, construction project managers and teams can streamline processes, improve decision-making, enhance efficiency, ensure compliance, and deliver projects with audit-ready trusted data. Embracing data as an asset empowers construction professionals to unlock the full potential of their projects and drive successful outcomes.

MySmartPlans is the leading software solution for construction project management, offering transparency, organization, and efficiency to ensure on-time and on-budget completion of projects. With our experienced digital information librarians and data governance capabilities, we help mitigate risks and prevent litigation in the construction industry.

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Mitigating Risk and Enhancing Value

MySmartPlans: The Human-Powered Difference in Construction Defect Tracking Software The construction industry is increasingly recognizing the importance of effective defect tracking and management. As highlighted

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