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          About MySmartPlans

          Shelley and Dominick Armato
          Shelley is the founder and CEO of MySmartPlans. Her husband, Dominick, is a co-founder and president. They suffered firsthand from the effects of the chaos in the industry. Dominick, a 45-year contractor, was wildly successful, and one project with insufficient data caused them to shut the doors on that company. But they rose again and reinvented the construction industry by streamlining the business.

          MySmartPlans is a technology-enabled service  and platform with an experienced digital information librarian as part of your team who creates transparency, organization, and efficiency in construction projects. They are the driving force behind Data Governance, which mitigates the risk associated with insufficient document oversight. MySmartPlans has been improving the industry for 19 years and has a revenue aggregate of over billions of dollars. Build on time, on schedule, and with audited pre-discovery files that are proven to prevent litigation!

          We have the most advanced construction technology for building world-class facilities in the world. Use this for our identity!

          Honors & Awards

          Business Of The Year
          Kansas Women-Owned Businesses 2017

          Rule Breaker Award
          New York Rule Breakers 2015

          25 Outstanding Businesses Under 25 Employees
          Twenty Five – 25  2012

          CEO of the Year
          City Union Mission 2009

          Women Who Mean Business
          Biz Journal 2009

          Vision of Excellence
          National Association of Women in Construction – 2009

          About MySmartPlans

          Shelley Armato and Dominick Armato

          Shelley is the Founder and CEO of MySmartPlans. Her husband Dominick is Co-founder and President. They suffered firsthand the effects of chaos in the industry. Dominick, a 45-year contractor, was wildly successful and one project with insufficient data caused them to shut the doors on that company. But they rose again and reinvented the construction industry by streamlining the business.

          MySmartPlans is a software-as-a-service solution with an experienced digital information librarian as part of your team, who creates transparency, organization, and efficiency in construction projects. They are the driving force behind Data Governance, which mitigates the risk associated with insufficient document oversight. MySmartPlans has been improving the industry for 16 years and has a revenue aggregate of over 19 billion dollars. Build on time, on schedule, and with audited as pre-discovery files that are proven to prevent litigation!

    • MySmartPlans Track Record:

      17 years in business

      100% of our 2,130 projects were protected from litigation

      $23 billion in project value completed

      99.9% of projects were completed on time & on budget

      18% project on-site savings

      The MySmartPlans Manifesto

      MySmartPlans Track Record:

      17 years in business

      100% of our 2,130 projects were protected from litigation

      $23 billion in project value completed

      99.9% of projects were completed on time & on budget

      18% project on-site savings

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          MySmartPlans has saved thousands of hours in costly rework and has allowed us to collaborate with our team members in the most efficient manner possible.

          Craig Childers

          MySmartPlans helped us focus on the project rather than collection of data & documentation. The MSP team knows what needs to be included and does a great job gathering, managing and ensure timey responses on required information. It also gives us a centralized location for project documentation, giving us comfort of knowing where to find information in the future. MSP allows us to work smarter and be smarter.

          Northwest Florida Beaches

          Technology has made promises over the years that someday we would all be paperless and all electronic, but there has been a missing link in sharing information between groups. MySmartPlans is the medium that fills that gap.

          Rick Thompson

          As a construction litigator…to be able to point and click and find the documentation that relates to that specific change order, whatever, in seconds as opposed to days or weeks manually would be a game changer.

          Bill Quatman

          Construction Attorney
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      Wednesday 10 – Friday 12 July 2024 | Colorado Convention Center

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      Sunday 21 – Wednesday 24 July 2024 | Anaheim, CA

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      Wednesday 21 – Friday 23 August 2024 | Kansas City Marriott Downtown

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Increasing Efficiency in Construction Projects through Software

The Power of Software in Increasing Efficiency in Construction Projects

Construction projects have long been known for their complex and time-consuming nature. From designing and planning to execution and completion, numerous challenges can arise at every step of the way. However, with the advancements in technology, specifically software solutions, construction project managers and teams now have powerful tools at their disposal to streamline their processes and ensure efficient project completion. In this blog post, we will delve into the various ways software can significantly increase efficiency in construction projects, providing construction professionals with the means to overcome obstacles and deliver successful outcomes.

1. Optimizing Resource Allocation

One of the most significant benefits of using software in construction projects is the ability to optimize resource allocation. Traditional approaches to resource management often involve manual processes, resulting in human errors, delays, and inefficiencies. However, with the use of specialized construction management software, project managers can allocate resources effectively while considering various factors such as availability, skillset, and cost.

For instance, advanced software solutions can provide real-time visibility into the availability and utilization of equipment and machinery, allowing project teams to schedule tasks accordingly, avoid conflicts, and minimize downtime. Similarly, software tools can generate accurate estimates of material quantities needed for specific project phases, preventing overordering or understocking, which can lead to delays and increased costs. By optimizing resource allocation through software, construction projects can be executed smoothly, reducing unnecessary delays and expenses.

2. Streamlining Communication and Collaboration

Communication and collaboration are crucial aspects of any construction project, involving numerous stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and subcontractors. Effective communication and collaboration contribute to seamless project execution and minimize errors and rework. However, traditional communication channels, such as emails and phone calls, can be time-consuming and prone to misinterpretation.

By leveraging construction project management software, teams can streamline communication and collaboration processes. These software solutions offer centralized platforms where all project-related information, documents, and discussions can be stored and accessed in real-time. Furthermore, many software tools provide features such as notifications, task assignments, and progress tracking, ensuring that all team members remain on the same page and deadlines are met.

Additionally, cloud-based software solutions enable real-time collaboration on project designs and plans, allowing multiple stakeholders to work together simultaneously. This eliminates the need for time-consuming back-and-forth exchanges, minimizing delays and improving overall project efficiency. Through enhanced communication and collaboration facilitated by software, construction projects can progress smoothly and avoid unnecessary rework.

3. Efficient Project Planning and Scheduling

Project planning and scheduling are critical to the success of construction projects. However, traditional manual methods can often result in errors, oversights, and delays. Software solutions specifically designed for construction project management offer comprehensive features to assist with efficient planning and scheduling.

These software tools allow project managers to create detailed project plans, break tasks into manageable phases, and allocate timelines and resources. By automating these processes, construction professionals can save significant time and effort and ensure greater accuracy in project planning. Additionally, software solutions can generate visual Gantt charts and critical path analyses, providing a clear overview of project timelines, dependencies, and potential bottlenecks.

Furthermore, as construction projects often face unforeseen obstacles and changes, software allows for dynamic scheduling adjustments. Project teams can quickly adapt schedules, reassign resources, and reroute workflows, ensuring that the project stays on track and avoids unnecessary delays.

4. Improved Document Management and Collaboration

Construction projects involve an extensive array of documents, including contracts, design drawings, permits, and safety regulations. Managing and organizing these documents manually can be challenging, leading to misplaced or outdated information and increased risk of errors.

With the help of document management software tailored for the construction industry, teams can store, organize, and track project documents digitally. These software solutions provide version control, ensuring that team members access the most recent and accurate documents. Moreover, they offer intuitive search functionalities, enabling quick retrieval of specific information, saving time and reducing frustrations.

Software solutions also facilitate seamless collaboration on project documents. Multiple team members can work on the same document simultaneously, track changes, and provide real-time feedback. This enhances transparency, reduces miscommunication, and ensures that all stakeholders are aligned with the latest project documentation. By optimizing document management and collaboration through software, construction projects can eliminate costly errors and delays caused by outdated or misplaced information.

5. Enhanced Risk Management

Construction projects are inherently exposed to various risks, including unforeseen weather conditions, material shortages, regulatory changes, or unexpected design conflicts. Effectively managing these risks is crucial for project success and overall efficiency. Construction project management software provides valuable tools to identify, assess, and mitigate risks throughout the project lifecycle.

Advanced software solutions enable teams to conduct comprehensive risk assessments by analyzing historical data, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and evaluating their potential impact. This proactive approach empowers project teams to implement appropriate risk mitigation strategies such as contingency plans, alternative suppliers, or design modifications.

Furthermore, construction software can facilitate real-time monitoring and tracking of project risks. Automated alerts and notifications ensure that project teams are promptly informed of any emerging risks, allowing them to take immediate action. By leveraging software to enhance risk management, construction projects can mitigate potential setbacks and maintain progress, ultimately improving overall efficiency.

6. Real-Time Performance Tracking and Reporting

Measuring project performance is essential to assess progress, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions for continuous improvement. Traditional manual methods of performance tracking and reporting can be time-consuming, prone to errors, and lack the necessary real-time insights for effective decision-making.

Software solutions designed for construction project management offer robust performance tracking and reporting features. These tools enable project teams to track key performance indicators (KPIs), such as cost, schedule adherence, quality, and safety, in real-time. By capturing data automatically and generating comprehensive reports, software solutions provide project managers with a holistic view of project performance, allowing them to identify areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions promptly.

Moreover, construction software can facilitate stakeholder communication through automated progress reports. These reports provide stakeholders with a clear overview of project status, milestones achieved, and potential risks, fostering transparency and accountability. By leveraging real-time performance tracking and reporting through software, construction projects can remain on track, minimize delays, and ensure efficient delivery.

7. Integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has revolutionized the construction industry by enabling digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of a building. BIM allows for efficient collaboration, clash detection, and visualization throughout the project lifecycle. Integrating BIM software with construction project management software further enhances project efficiency.

By combining project management software with BIM tools, construction teams can achieve seamless integration between project planning, scheduling, and 3D modeling. This integration enables automatic updates of project plans based on BIM modifications, preventing inconsistencies and improving accuracy. Additionally, BIM software facilitates clash detection, allowing teams to identify and resolve design conflicts virtually before they occur on-site, reducing rework and delays.

Furthermore, construction project management software integrated with BIM provides a centralized platform for project documentation, including design drawings, specifications, and models. This streamlines communication, coordination, and collaboration among project stakeholders, ultimately improving project efficiency and reducing costly errors.


In conclusion, the use of software in construction projects offers immense potential to increase efficiency, streamline processes, and ensure successful project completion. By optimizing resource allocation, streamlining communication and collaboration, improving project planning and scheduling, enhancing document management and collaboration, facilitating risk management, enabling real-time performance tracking and reporting, and integrating BIM, construction project teams can overcome challenges, minimize delays, and deliver projects on time and within budget.

As construction professionals embrace the power of software solutions tailored for their industry, they equip themselves with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of modern construction projects. By leveraging technology and embracing innovation, the construction industry can continue to evolve and build a future where efficiency and productivity are the norm. So, are you ready to harness the power of software and take your construction projects to the next level of efficiency? Let us know your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

MySmartPlans is the leading software solution for construction project management, offering transparency, organization, and efficiency to ensure on-time and on-budget completion of projects. With our experienced digital information librarians and data governance capabilities, we help mitigate risks and prevent litigation in the construction industry.

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