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          Business Of The Year
          Kansas Women-Owned Businesses 2017

          Rule Breaker Award
          New York Rule Breakers 2015

          25 Outstanding Businesses Under 25 Employees
          Twenty Five – 25  2012

          CEO of the Year
          City Union Mission 2009

          Women Who Mean Business
          Biz Journal 2009

          Vision of Excellence
          National Association of Women in Construction – 2009

          About MySmartPlans

          Shelley and Dominick Armato
          Shelley is the founder and CEO of MySmartPlans. Her husband, Dominick, is a co-founder and president. They suffered firsthand from the effects of the chaos in the industry. Dominick, a 45-year contractor, was wildly successful, and one project with insufficient data caused them to shut the doors on that company. But they rose again and reinvented the construction industry by streamlining the business.

          MySmartPlans is a technology-enabled service  and platform with an experienced digital information librarian as part of your team who creates transparency, organization, and efficiency in construction projects. They are the driving force behind Data Governance, which mitigates the risk associated with insufficient document oversight. MySmartPlans has been improving the industry for 19 years and has a revenue aggregate of over billions of dollars. Build on time, on schedule, and with audited pre-discovery files that are proven to prevent litigation!

          We have the most advanced construction technology for building world-class facilities in the world. Use this for our identity!

          Honors & Awards

          Business Of The Year
          Kansas Women-Owned Businesses 2017

          Rule Breaker Award
          New York Rule Breakers 2015

          25 Outstanding Businesses Under 25 Employees
          Twenty Five – 25  2012

          CEO of the Year
          City Union Mission 2009

          Women Who Mean Business
          Biz Journal 2009

          Vision of Excellence
          National Association of Women in Construction – 2009

          About MySmartPlans

          Shelley Armato and Dominick Armato

          Shelley is the Founder and CEO of MySmartPlans. Her husband Dominick is Co-founder and President. They suffered firsthand the effects of chaos in the industry. Dominick, a 45-year contractor, was wildly successful and one project with insufficient data caused them to shut the doors on that company. But they rose again and reinvented the construction industry by streamlining the business.

          MySmartPlans is a software-as-a-service solution with an experienced digital information librarian as part of your team, who creates transparency, organization, and efficiency in construction projects. They are the driving force behind Data Governance, which mitigates the risk associated with insufficient document oversight. MySmartPlans has been improving the industry for 16 years and has a revenue aggregate of over 19 billion dollars. Build on time, on schedule, and with audited as pre-discovery files that are proven to prevent litigation!

    • MySmartPlans Track Record:

      17 years in business

      100% of our 2,130 projects were protected from litigation

      $23 billion in project value completed

      99.9% of projects were completed on time & on budget

      18% project on-site savings

      The MySmartPlans Manifesto

      MySmartPlans Track Record:

      17 years in business

      100% of our 2,130 projects were protected from litigation

      $23 billion in project value completed

      99.9% of projects were completed on time & on budget

      18% project on-site savings

      Learn More

      The MySmartPlans Manifesto

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      Four States Airport Conference 2023

        • Customer Testimonials

          MySmartPlans has saved thousands of hours in costly rework and has allowed us to collaborate with our team members in the most efficient manner possible.

          Craig Childers

          MySmartPlans helped us focus on the project rather than collection of data & documentation. The MSP team knows what needs to be included and does a great job gathering, managing and ensure timey responses on required information. It also gives us a centralized location for project documentation, giving us comfort of knowing where to find information in the future. MSP allows us to work smarter and be smarter.

          Northwest Florida Beaches

          Technology has made promises over the years that someday we would all be paperless and all electronic, but there has been a missing link in sharing information between groups. MySmartPlans is the medium that fills that gap.

          Rick Thompson

          As a construction litigator…to be able to point and click and find the documentation that relates to that specific change order, whatever, in seconds as opposed to days or weeks manually would be a game changer.

          Bill Quatman

          Construction Attorney
        • Case Studies

    • SMART Airports & Regions 2024

      Wednesday 10 – Friday 12 July 2024 | Colorado Convention Center

      2024 Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference

      Sunday 21 – Wednesday 24 July 2024 | Anaheim, CA

      4 States Airport Conference

      Wednesday 21 – Friday 23 August 2024 | Kansas City Marriott Downtown

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Creating the True Digital Twin: Without Adding Costs

The Digital Twin is Complete Data

Digital Twin has long been synonymous with Building Information Modeling (BIM), Revit, or 3D Models. Digital twins in construction also go by, virtual models, or next-generation as-built drawings. This concept is not new, but it is ever-improving in the construction market. It has transformed into a more complete snapshot of a finished construction project.

Now, a true digital twin is a collection of all data through the construction process and even before the project starts. This data has to be fully collected and organized in an easy-to-view technology, for the lifecycle of the project. You also need an experienced third party, with a dedicated Project Information Manager, to collect all data.

What is a Digital Twin?

The great thing about digital twins is that they are specific to the project’s needs. In construction, it is an exact digital replica of a construction project. Projects can range from airport terminals, runways or taxiways, a building, multiple buildings, roadways, or mixed-use developments. Digital twins can also be referred to as data twins, as-builts, or models and can include software programs, such as Revit, SketchUp, or Rhino. Whatever the project needs, but must include all data; weather, reports, submittals, photos, warranties, videos, emails, meeting minutes, as-builts, etc.

Preparing for the Digital Twins

Digital Twins are created by grabbing real data in any form and turning it into an exact replica in the digital world. The data is used to generate a virtual model of what was created. The prototype can be done with traditional methods, such as hand drawings or CAD files. The digital twin begins before the project starts and is captured through the closeout, with no information missing. No matter your method, the real-world data needs to be obtained and turned into a virtual representation.

Creating the Digital Twin Virtual Model

As project data is gathered, the digital twin is created by relying on communication, collaboration, up-front work, and real-time capabilities to be successful. The first step is to create a repository for all the project’s real-world data. This needs to be with a third-party digital twin technology software as a service such as MySmartPlans. Next, the data is organized and audited to ensure all data is included and categorized to make it easier to find and use. Finally, digital transformation is created as you create the digital twins. 

Most importantly the digital twin has to be an exact replica of the construction project.

Building with complete and correct data is useful throughout the construction process, such as construction coordination, project management, facilities management, and marketing and sales. 

Construction Coordination:

The digital twin coordinates construction activities and this data collection start, even before the design phase. This includes but is not limited to scheduling, sequencing, and phasing.

Project Management:

The digital twin manages the construction project. Full documentation assists in communication throughout construction and creates an integrated repository for all team members to collaborate through. This includes but is not limited to tracking progress, budget, and schedule. A complete real-time data digital twin is the best way to track quality control and performance.

Facilities Management:

The digital twin helps manage the facilities after construction is complete. This includes maintenance, operational data, and security. This is where the digital twin becomes so useful in the physical world after the project closeout. The owner’s team can refer to the digital twin for warranty information on a faulty AC Unit, Training Videos for fixtures, and replacement information for specific tiles. The digital twin is accessible throughout the life cycle of the facility, taxiway, bridge, etc.

Marketing and Sales:

The digital twin can be used to market and sell construction projects. This includes creating renderings, animations, virtual representations, digital models, and virtual tours. The digital twin is a packaged map of the finished product and any buyer would revel in having that information.

The important thing is that the digital twin is used to its full potential! Gather data completely throughout the project lifecycle and the digital twin is the digital version of the construction project.

Getting the Most out of the Digital Twin

There are several ways to use the digital twin but to get the most out of your project, it needs to include all project data and be easily accessible from day one throughout project closeout. To ensure the most return:

  1. Make sure that all data is captured in your digital environment. Every piece of data, file, model, photo, and weather information needs to be collected by a third-party system that specializes in obtaining complete information. All data needs a Project Information Manager that ensures this data collection.
  2. Organize and categorize the data to make it easier to find and use later. Naming conventions should be room names, physical objects or file names, dates, and not just a jumble of numbers.
  3. Create with a software program. This ensures the integration of all digital data into one easy-to-use technology that is searchable.
  4. Use the digital twin to its full potential. The most important thing is to ensure that all data is captured in your virtual environment. MySmartPlans can guarantee all of this, read on to find out how.

How Can I Ensure a Complete Digital Twin?

The best way to ensure complete data is to hire a third-party construction document management company, such as MySmartPlans. MySmartPlans assigns a specialized Digital Information Librarian (DIL) that works solely with your project on data collection ensuring all data is included and organized throughout the project. MySmartPlans ensures data is audited for any missing information, giving you the complete digital twin from design into facilities management or the real-world counterpart. If your digital twin does not contain all project information, then what good is it in the real world!?

The Future of the Digital Twin

Our project information experts create an easy-to-use dashboard with all project updates and complete data that is organized and searchable. Our DILs are the fly on the wall and sit in on every project meeting, integrate any system used during the project lifecycle, audit data for missing information, and collect additional data such as weather and schedules to provide a complete digital twin to you. Additionally, upon closeout, we create SmartRooms, which are QR code stickers placed on the physical counterpart, for an instant scannable repository of warranties, training videos, and complete information for the physical version. The digital twin technology begins and ends with our expertise in getting the job done.

How to Ensure the Digital Twin on Projects?

It is incredibly crucial for the digital twin to be written into the contract, so as not to incur additional costs upon project closeout! Those working on the construction of the project should have all the big data, but you can’t count on them to turn it over at closeout in an organized and complete repository. If MySmartPlans technology is not written into the contract, the owner/ shareholders can be left on the hook to pay more money at project completion. Protect your physical asset from the beginning of the project, and ensure all data is collected to be turned over at no additional cost!

MySmartPlans Includes Digital Twin Technology at No Additional Cost

There is no additional cost to our closeout dashboard when you bring MySmartPlans on board! The overall cost is a minimal fee based on the project budget, including the construction management of all data. Our Digital Information Librarians (DILs) ensure all data is captured, audited, and organized, and are imperative to your project by creating a digital twin dashboard that integrates all complex systems. Additionally, we integrate with all virtual models in the digital twin industry for a perfect digital representation.

We guarantee digital twins will reach their full potential for over 50 years with our software as a service. No project should be one size fit all, so we create a real-world customizable dashboard with peak efficiency. No other company can ensure complete digital twin work as MySmartPlans, our software as a service does.

Other Advantages of MySmartPlans

Our software management technology provides real-time feedback to improve decision-making throughout the project lifecycle. Digitalized workflows improve project outcomes throughout all stages of the infrastructure asset twins’ lifecycle, from design through construction, to operations and maintenance, and deliver higher product quality. Protect your physical assets and embrace digital transformation while managing your construction project.

Contact Us Today to Learn more!

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Shelley Armato shelley@mysmartplans.com

Dominick Armato dominick.armato@mysmartplans.com

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