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        • Honors & Awards

          Business Of The Year
          Kansas Women-Owned Businesses 2017

          Rule Breaker Award
          New York Rule Breakers 2015

          25 Outstanding Businesses Under 25 Employees
          Twenty Five – 25  2012

          CEO of the Year
          City Union Mission 2009

          Women Who Mean Business
          Biz Journal 2009

          Vision of Excellence
          National Association of Women in Construction – 2009

          About MySmartPlans

          Shelley and Dominick Armato
          Shelley is the founder and CEO of MySmartPlans. Her husband, Dominick, is a co-founder and president. They suffered firsthand from the effects of the chaos in the industry. Dominick, a 45-year contractor, was wildly successful, and one project with insufficient data caused them to shut the doors on that company. But they rose again and reinvented the construction industry by streamlining the business.

          MySmartPlans is a technology-enabled service  and platform with an experienced digital information librarian as part of your team who creates transparency, organization, and efficiency in construction projects. They are the driving force behind Data Governance, which mitigates the risk associated with insufficient document oversight. MySmartPlans has been improving the industry for 19 years and has a revenue aggregate of over billions of dollars. Build on time, on schedule, and with audited pre-discovery files that are proven to prevent litigation!

          We have the most advanced construction technology for building world-class facilities in the world. Use this for our identity!

          Honors & Awards

          Business Of The Year
          Kansas Women-Owned Businesses 2017

          Rule Breaker Award
          New York Rule Breakers 2015

          25 Outstanding Businesses Under 25 Employees
          Twenty Five – 25  2012

          CEO of the Year
          City Union Mission 2009

          Women Who Mean Business
          Biz Journal 2009

          Vision of Excellence
          National Association of Women in Construction – 2009

          About MySmartPlans

          Shelley Armato and Dominick Armato

          Shelley is the Founder and CEO of MySmartPlans. Her husband Dominick is Co-founder and President. They suffered firsthand the effects of chaos in the industry. Dominick, a 45-year contractor, was wildly successful and one project with insufficient data caused them to shut the doors on that company. But they rose again and reinvented the construction industry by streamlining the business.

          MySmartPlans is a software-as-a-service solution with an experienced digital information librarian as part of your team, who creates transparency, organization, and efficiency in construction projects. They are the driving force behind Data Governance, which mitigates the risk associated with insufficient document oversight. MySmartPlans has been improving the industry for 16 years and has a revenue aggregate of over 19 billion dollars. Build on time, on schedule, and with audited as pre-discovery files that are proven to prevent litigation!

    • MySmartPlans Track Record:

      17 years in business

      100% of our 2,130 projects were protected from litigation

      $23 billion in project value completed

      99.9% of projects were completed on time & on budget

      18% project on-site savings

      The MySmartPlans Manifesto

      MySmartPlans Track Record:

      17 years in business

      100% of our 2,130 projects were protected from litigation

      $23 billion in project value completed

      99.9% of projects were completed on time & on budget

      18% project on-site savings

      Learn More

      The MySmartPlans Manifesto

    • AAA Construction Conference

      Four States Airport Conference 2023

        • Customer Testimonials

          MySmartPlans has saved thousands of hours in costly rework and has allowed us to collaborate with our team members in the most efficient manner possible.

          Craig Childers

          MySmartPlans helped us focus on the project rather than collection of data & documentation. The MSP team knows what needs to be included and does a great job gathering, managing and ensure timey responses on required information. It also gives us a centralized location for project documentation, giving us comfort of knowing where to find information in the future. MSP allows us to work smarter and be smarter.

          Northwest Florida Beaches

          Technology has made promises over the years that someday we would all be paperless and all electronic, but there has been a missing link in sharing information between groups. MySmartPlans is the medium that fills that gap.

          Rick Thompson

          As a construction litigator…to be able to point and click and find the documentation that relates to that specific change order, whatever, in seconds as opposed to days or weeks manually would be a game changer.

          Bill Quatman

          Construction Attorney
        • Case Studies

    • SMART Airports & Regions 2024

      Wednesday 10 – Friday 12 July 2024 | Colorado Convention Center

      2024 Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference

      Sunday 21 – Wednesday 24 July 2024 | Anaheim, CA

      4 States Airport Conference

      Wednesday 21 – Friday 23 August 2024 | Kansas City Marriott Downtown

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          Get Started With MySmartPlans Now

          Or - Ask a question (we respond within the hour) or connect!

Inspecting the Unexpected: Accountability in FAA Inspections

“What is this and how long has this been here?”

This is the question the FAA Safety Certification Inspector poses to you during your Annual Safety Certification out brief in front of your team, boss, and possibly airport board members. You know what it is. It’s a high voltage transformer box located just inside the runway safety area (RSA) and indicated on the RSA inventory sheet with coordinates, functionality, and frangibility. But you struggle to answer the second part of the question. How long has this thing been here? Is it in a document somewhere? Does our facilities team have this information? Will this result in a discrepancy write-up from the FAA if I don’t give them a satisfactory answer? The inspector and your boss are looking at you for a response, but you have none. This oversight could end up costing your airport dozens of hours in lost productivity having staff find the correct document or thousands of dollars in fines levied by the FAA for noncompliance.

All of this can be avoided entirely if you just had accurate, portable, and complete as-builts ready at your fingertips when the runway was opened for aircraft on day one. MySmartPlans ensures that all your airport teams in operations, maintenance, construction, and administration have access to the same project information. Anywhere. Anytime. No more finger-pointing at other departments or contractors for failing to provide reliable diagrams for your airfield projects. A robust application on your tablet that you or your team can take with you onto the airfield with a digital library. The good news is that it exists.

How can you help me?

It all begins with data collection. Our Project Information Managers (PIMs) meet with your team’s project leaders. This could include members of the airport construction department, planning department, or general contractors. The PIMs will then identify the key members from these groups to see where key documents are being generated as well as how data interfaces with project systems.

Next, a Project Dashboard is built with input from the airport construction project team. MySmartPlans will provide system training, technical support, a plan holder list, site maps, and other relevant information to be added to your project’s Digital Library. Our PIMs will work directly with general contractors, architects, subcontractors, and consultants to ensure the information is accurate, properly formatted, and not missing any crucial data. Concurrently, files are enhanced to improve viewing, navigation, and searchability.

Finally, we work with the project team to identify information needed for closeout. We partner with the airport, contractors, consultants, and other project stakeholders to index everything into a data dashboard for everyone to use long after the project is over.

Is the data truly mine once the project ends?

Yes, and it always will be! We turn your Digital Library over to you after project closeout creating a self-contained time capsule with a data guarantee of up to 50 years. There are an unlimited number of users who can register for access to your dashboard along with unlimited storage and bandwidth.

What if I need help after closeout?

Not a problem! Our Project Information Managers are always available to assist with data maintenance, customer support, and new feature integration. We will work with you to ensure your project’s information is always up to date.


What does the FAA have to say about all this?

It’s important to note that our deliverable is not intended to be used as a daily inspection tool for FAR Part 139 certified personnel. Rather, it is designed to serve as an insightful supplemental dashboard for finding accurate and reliable data from construction projects to present to FAA Safety Inspectors if requested.

Rob Hawks, the Deputy Director of FAA Office of Airport Planning and Programming has stated that an “ADO may approve Sponsor requests, on a case-by-case basis, to include a specifically allocated portion of the costs of software acquisition, licensing and/or subscription. The ADO may only approve the portion of the cost that is directly attributable to a specific, FAA-approved AIP project, only for the duration of the approved AIP project, and only for the entity that is actually doing the work for which the software is required.”

Simply put, your airport may be eligible to cover the expense of our services through AIP Funding if you’re working on a qualifying project. This can potentially result in even greater savings for you and your team down the road. As always, we recommend checking with your local ADO before making any changes to your processes.

The next time you’re on an inspection and the FAA asks you a question about a change to the taxiway, you’ll be able to confidently say that you have the answer in MySmartPlans. Ready to get started? Contact us today for a free demo.

Contact Information:

Shelley Armato shelley@mysmartplans.com (816) 728-8899

Dominick Armato dominick.armato@mysmartplans.com (816) 728-0808

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